Al running with the bulls Gore

Youngblood bitches!

Adam Sandler = Boo. Hiss.

Caution: Filming ahead involving an accident-prone nervous guy who is constantly doing things that end in overly predictable physically comedic and embarrassing situations.

Caution: Filming ahead involving a mischievious but loveable man-child who will overcome comedic adversity and learn the value of responsibility just in time to get the hot chick who was sent to babysit him and at first wouldn't give him the time of day.

Keep in mind kids that in 20 states it is legal to marry your first cousin. California is one of them. So from a legal standpoint George Michael and Maebe would be free to marry.

Solid Episodes
I never cared much for "The Secret of Management", but when Bill has the butler dance a merry jig I lose it every time.

Lobsters vs. Oates. Does this mean that Darryl Hall has Crabs?

Can Someone Else Please Review This Television Program?
Can Someone Else Please Review This Television Program?

did anyone here play the Godfather GTA-esque game? I enjoyed it save the impossible taking out the Cuneo mansion.

This movie must be made! Otherwise, Anne Hathaway won't have anything to do.

Anyone with a brain cares if their seat is assigned. Fuck Southwest. Of course bags fly free, because you'll likely never see them again.

Yngwie "fucking" Malmsteen

"You know, one day honest citizens are going to rise up against you crooked cops!"

I appreciated her much more when she was naked in playboy.

Also, any episode where we have to endure Worf's fucking son or play dress up in the holodeck are eye-stab levels of pain.

A 750 ml bottle retails for about $4.29

Fair Return
You should be sending Epiktistes a bottle of…. wait, What's The Word?

Kebert Xela

I think this has to be considered some kind of abuse.

Kirstie was at her best dying in Tom Selek's arms mid-way through "Runaway".