Al running with the bulls Gore

Agreed. At times I feel the criticism on this site forgets the "is it just fun to watch" factor and focuses on too much minutia. It's a fun show with fun characters. What more do you want from a pop serial?

As an Iowan I can assure you that a methed-out Missourian is much, much worse.

Follow up article
Can't wait to here how your diabetic foot removal surgery goes.

and what's the deal with airplane food?

Taco's heartfelt tribute to Falco
I seem to find the happiness I seek
when we're off together dancing cheek to cheek.

I'm sure they are educated, just not in french grammar, douche.

I thought that Captain Steve Albani died earlier this year.

perhaps johndavid666's mother's nuclear missile is a dildo.

Oh come on, you know damn well that he bought that sweater himself. If it's not an actual gift the irony is lost.

Shut the fuck up.

How could I have forgotten that?

I think that Mel Gibson should direct either a "B.C" movie. Rosey O'Donnell could play the mean frumpy woman. Better yet, a "Wizard of Id" movie. I'd pay to see that.

I believe he morphed into the new Bobby Flay character over on the Man vs. Food thread.

The only issue I have with Ted's is that the assholes make a big deal of out not having ketchup. I don't put ketchup on things anyway, but who the fuck are they to tell me how to eat my food?

Dave you magnificent bastard!

Ho Hum…
Wake me when it says P.T. Barnum back in action!

Keep in mind Chuck works out with Christie Brinkley. Before her, he worked out with David Brinkley, so he's pretty much got the Brinkley family cornered.

After I heard the song I tried to book flights to Kokomo for me and my girlfriend, only to find out they must not have an airport, because none were available. No cruises stop their either. Not sure how the Beach Boys got there, they must have their own boat?

How many times have I told you. Don't bring Howie MANdel into this discussion!

Chris Elliot
It is just good to see that Chris Elliot is evolving. He's gone from wacky friend/brother to wacky dad. That's some fine career growth I tells ya!