Al running with the bulls Gore

No, I also still own them.  Let me tell you:  when you are in a blue funk and need to be uplifted listening to Peter Criss' "That's the kind of sugar papa likes" or Gene Simmons "When you wish upon a star" both do the trick nicely.  You cannot listen to either without laughing out loud.

The NewsRadio episode "Day Dream" was unfairly ignored.  One of its best.

I completely challenge this review.  There is a zero percent chance that this is anything other than total schlock.

weeaboo's wobble, but they don't fall down.

nah, still rapey

Baby it's cold outside is date rapey, no matter what these asses say.

yeah you know me.

I was going to say Gollum along in the corner, but David works too.

In his defense I'm sure he just doesn't remember the day when the Green Manolishi turned the Black Magic Woman into a Sentimental Lady.

Christ on sale this was an awful review.

Tell me more about these Navy Special Agents.  That just has to be thoughtful television at its best.

Fighting Fantasy was great.  My sister introduced them to me when I was 8 and they were the right mix between the simplicity of CYOA and the mind numbing complexity of D&D.  Plus, I didn't have to deal with my fucking "friends".  They climaxed in Steve Jackson's "Sorcery" series.  They were a lot of fun.  Perfect for

I can't remember.  Am I the guy from Gladiator?

I can't remember.  Am I the guy from Gladiator?

I thought Die Another Day was ok too, but I also enjoy Rosamund Pike's ample bosom.

I thought Die Another Day was ok too, but I also enjoy Rosamund Pike's ample bosom.

I know you don't like late-period BSG, but I'll defend the change in that early on they had to just focus on survival, constantly reacting to the Cylons and the mechanical issues of getting away.

What a silly concept!

You know what astro scientician, as a guy who comments on a sports blog under a Bert Blyleven moniker let me just say fuck Jim Rice. He is one of the most overrated players of the 70's and 80's.

I used to be in a death metal band. People either loved us or hated us; or they thought we were o.k.