
Rogue one didn't feel like the Harry Potter universe at all. I don't know what Luke Skywalker would have done with a wand.

Someone making $98 per hour doesn't need a roommate.
That makes you a dirty, rotten liar. Fantastic Bots and Where to Find them. Coming soon, to the av club.

"Page 17 comes AFTER 16, you dolt. Do it again, and have it on my desk by 5."

He was el Presidente of a drug fueled country. Numbered Swiss bank account, anyone? They just didn't show that scene in the two parter.

True story: One time I had Mxyzptlk as my SSID and the name backwards as the password. I figured it was secure. I was right.

Far too many times, people discriminate against a show just because it's not good.  Pity.

Sorry.  That's a tie between Switched at Birth and Secret life of the American teenager.

That reminds me of season 2 of The Wire.

I thought he was going to draw a funny mustache on her face and put her hand in warm water. 

Sir Ilyn Payne sounds like a 90's rapper.

Knowing humans as I do, I can totally understand it.

I forced myself to watch Terra Nova to it's end last year.  Nearly made it to the end of the first episode of Revolution. 
I can't wait to see the next episode of Defiance.
I'm very happy it's engaging.

Is reminding me too much of Baltar becoming president. 

New Game of Thrones, written by a neighbor of George R.R. Martin, because he died Before finishing the series.

I love the VCR tracking errors.  Made it feel very authentic.

"…And the Lord sayth to Bruce 'Stop hitting yourself.  Stop hitting yourself.'  But Bruce could not, for the Lord Jesus had ahold of Bruce's arms, and forcing him to hit himself."   —- Book of Fabulous, ch 3, ver 17

I saw that movie in Social Studies class.   We took a test on it.  At the end of the movie when it said that she got back with her husband later, I heard the sound of 30 7th graders face palming and saying "ugh."

Reminds me of something funny I read "I portrayed Adolf Hitler the way he was always meant to be portrayed.  As a proud woman of color! I'm Adolf Hitler a strong black woman who don't need no man"

I was under the impression that boarding the train was the only way to see the show.  Like the writers were making Emma and Henry totally unlikable as some sort of long game.