
I still want to call her Tess.  But that one goes way back.

I would have loved to see Emma pop her head back in and invite Regina.  But as they walk out, I'd want Emma to say "But you're buying dessert."  Get some affectionate banter going there.

I would have loved to see Emma pop her head back in and invite Regina.  But as they walk out, I'd want Emma to say "But you're buying dessert."  Get some affectionate banter going there.

At some point I want to see Wolverine mutter, "Maybe Gen. Stryker was right…  NEXT!"

Every scene in the mansion should look like the one in the forest, with hundreds of mutants milling around. The most frequently heard line should "Excuse me.  Coming through. Hot coffee."

Flipping off your mate as he/she is leaving the room…

Plus he like to wear a knight's helmet and wear a cape and crash into buildings on Sesame Street.

Yay for Central!  The 'Archer' of time zones.

I started watching it in the last 4 months.  Burned through the entire series in about a month.  Can't wait to see the end.

I was hoping "That's my Boy" would get a nod.  But It'll probably be snubbed.

I was hoping "That's my Boy" would get a nod.  But It'll probably be snubbed.

That'd be great, but it wouldn't fit into any time line.  Khan was floating in space for all those years until Kirk found him.  Unless someone else happened to find him in the mean time.  He would still have a problem with Earth, but he wouldn't have a problem with Kirk.

That'd be great, but it wouldn't fit into any time line.  Khan was floating in space for all those years until Kirk found him.  Unless someone else happened to find him in the mean time.  He would still have a problem with Earth, but he wouldn't have a problem with Kirk.

I like the idea of a Sherlock Holmes show, but I won't watch Elementary.  I guess I was turned off by the ad.  And probably because I saw the ad when I went to the movie theater and it looked terrible.  I liked the few episodes of Sherlock that I saw.  I'm just trying to find something to watch now that I'm nearly

I like the idea of a Sherlock Holmes show, but I won't watch Elementary.  I guess I was turned off by the ad.  And probably because I saw the ad when I went to the movie theater and it looked terrible.  I liked the few episodes of Sherlock that I saw.  I'm just trying to find something to watch now that I'm nearly

I loved Willow.  The one that I hated was the Christopher Lambert version of Beowulf.  Throbbing techno soundtrack during fight scenes.  Ernie Hudson playing a "wacky inventor" type.  Beowulf jumping over what looks like a picnic table from a national park.  Yeah… got about 20 minutes in before I could take no more.

I loved Willow.  The one that I hated was the Christopher Lambert version of Beowulf.  Throbbing techno soundtrack during fight scenes.  Ernie Hudson playing a "wacky inventor" type.  Beowulf jumping over what looks like a picnic table from a national park.  Yeah… got about 20 minutes in before I could take no more.

You're such a pussy, digifreak642

You're such a pussy, digifreak642

That high ground thing always struck me as somewhat stupid too, considering Jedi can jump like 20 feet.  But I guess they needed some way of ending it.  Anakin and Obi-wan were about equal in power and lightsaber skill.  That fight could have gone on for hours and I would have regretted buying that large soda before