
Not much with me! Have fun in NYC. I've never been there. I want to go, though.

Goooooood luck!

I always forget to actually toast the toast after I put it in. Then I'm wondering why it takes 10 minutes for a piece of toast to be ready.

I like it!

Hair length still matters, @avclub-9cd818ea56273170b63f339aa6f34bca:disqus . I dunno, I normally can't stand longer hair either. I've gotten used to his, though.

The longer hair has really grown on me.

Bunheads. You light up my Mondays. If you leave, I will go insane.

@avclub-6a2ec3076bb494e5c64eb1a422d9fe3d:disqus Online dating isn't really my thing, but I know some people who have met that way.

The only thing I can recommend is to move out of the state.

@LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus I'll make sure to do that.

Good luck. Dumb choices are good! I think.


Me: Stop being so loud. I saved your life, bitch.

Yeah, there's "hands-only" CPR now, which is what I was taught. It works just as well. It doesn't feel like you're doing anything, though. But it works.

I was actually going out to meet someone, but then forgot about him until he called me 2 hours later. But I did get some chips. That's all.

Thanks! It really was terrifying. I've been doing better, though. I don't even want to think about what would've happened if he didn't get through that.

J-LAW! What were ya thinkin', wearin' that dress?!

Hi guys. So, you know how saving someone's life sounds so awesome? It definitely is, but it's scary as hell. There's this guy, and he lives in the apartment next to mine. I don't particularly like him, to tell you the truth. He's too…loud. But anyway, I was just going out to eat when I saw him, just out cold outside

You have a good week yourself, Smacksters.

My niece also really loves Community. She's 6, and she loves Spongebob and The Disney Channel. Obviously, that is what kids enjoy, but I decided Community certainly was a show that she could watch. Since my older brother refuses to watch Community (Go figure. His favorite show is NCIS. He also keeps saying that he's