
The Chateau Marmont bit was hilarious.

I found it very exhausting, but I also loved it and I am glad I watched it.

Broad City comes back in January too.

Drop Scorpion
Swap Resurrection

Mandy Patinkin too. The exchange scene of course, but also the shame on his face in the car followed by him putting on the glasses.

I flew into LA about a year ago to visit some family, and Aaron Paul happened to be at LAX. He was very sweet, it wasn't a long conversation, but he asked me and some others our names and what we did, and he ended up signing a notebook I had. I still regret not having him say "Bitch", but me being the hilarious person

On a Lost note, Evangeline Lilly is one of the nicest people I have ever met.

Here's a thought. What if they're both remembering the other person correctly but they just see themselves differently. So then in reality they just both were really forward with the other

I'm still leaning toward her story because his just plays out like a typical fantasy. That saving the kid part of it, though, I believe him more. So I think it really depends on what scene you look at-neither is better overall.

Ruth Wilson is so good in this.

Marry Me

This looks cool! What do I do to join?

That, and the montage. They do it all the time in series finales but they always get me.

I completely agree.

I don't know how we can somehow say this is okay just because it happened to someone else, or because we've all seen worse. That kind of reasoning makes no sense to me.

Yes, it was ignorant and yes, she should be called out, but it's obvious there's been a growing dislike of Sonia on this site ever since the Mad Men reviews. That's only been worsened by these Leftovers reviews. And honestly? She has never "shit the bed" before. She has missed some things, She has made errors. She has

Would you say that this episode rocked?

I think it would be a good idea if we all just…stopped now? We all acknowledge that the review isn't that good. Great, good to hear. I agree wholeheartedly and out of all the reviews so far, this is the one with the most to find fault with, but that doesn't mean everyone has to pile on until basically every comment on

No idea why it hurt her. Why nominate Melissa McCarthy and Edie Falco (who's great but I'm not so sure about Nurse Jackie) over her? Tina Fey leaving should've opened it up, and Rossum did her best work this season even if it wasn't comedic in nature.

I hear Cold Bitch Digest has a great selection of eyepatches.