
Loved the Tawney-Amantha scene. This show handles religion so well.

Why Three Ghosts? It's a really good episode, but I think there are lots of better choices like The Promise or Streets of Fire. Just my opinion. Unless those are out of the eligibility period or something, in which case don't mind me.

And the whole "I love you" deal and Louie being the one uncomfortable with his body image. Nicely executed throughout the whole episode.

NOOOOOOOOOO WHAT IS THIS. I'm still heartbroken.

I've never seen Doctor Who (I'll try sometime), but I'd just like to say, I love the effort you're putting into these. It's obvious these are well thought out and well written, and this kind of stuff is what I like seeing around these parts.

I watched the Veronica Mars movie, and did it put a smile on my face. It had quite a few problems, but the fact that it was Veronica Mars made me forget all of them. I missed those guys.

I love Battlestar Galactica so so much.

Justin Bieber and Anne Frank were not an item.

You had Jane plan you a backup wedding in an underground bunker just in case North Korea, quote, "Grew a pair," but you never thought of who's gonna walk you down the aisle?

Schmidt, I have to ask you a favor. It's about my clothes.

CeCe the woman? You can't put a woman in a fish tank. That doesn't make any sense.

I watched Take Shelter 2 months ago, and I was blown away. Sometimes it's best to just put aside the message the movie's trying to convey and just revel in the experience of watching.

Gross, there's moose in here???

Hi, guys. I'm so sick right now, and have been for a couple days (and it's a viral infection, just my luck). Now I'm behind on a lot of things. I literally have no energy to type anything else.

That last season of The Shield is pretty damn perfect.

This was a really fun episode. It was my first taste of the regular Finch-Reese pairing (grr I have to get on those Season 1 episodes, but I don't have much time), and it's really cool. They have this charm about the way they interact that I love, and having Bear certainly doesn't hurt.

Willie Mays is a baseball player, and I did not just Google that!


23 here. I have a plan in my imagination.

Okay, I definitely have it now.