
I nearly spit out my drink when I saw "Josh Hamilton's statement".

Thanks @avclub-804bfd285116c91c935176b2b199894d:disqus!

Newbie fist bump!

@beema Ohh okay, the "other side" of one, not two machines. Gotcha.

I did find it a bit confusing, especially in regards to what exactly Amy Acker's character was trying to accomplish. I also wasn't sure about Shaw's relationship with/knowledge of the machine. I know there's a machine the main characters use, but is there another one?

First time watcher here. This really felt like an action film, and I loved every second of it.

I just really love Ann. She's like the Ann Perkins of Ann Perkinses.

I've been watching Project Runway a lot lately…and the last 8 years.

I loved that scene.

I agree wholeheartedly.

I made it through my first week on the AV Club without serious bodily harm, so I've come to the conclusion that I like this place.

I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not.

"That's not a knife, this is a knife" is not the Australian national anthem.

My god, last week was really terrible. Please be better this week. Please. Is that too much to ask? Yeah, probably.

I'm pretty sure it is.

My thoughts exactly. He's a great actor, and the role suits him well. Too bad the off screen drama is soiling opinions of him.

I'm not that big of a fan of wedding episodes, usually, but I'm excited for this one.

@avclub-a17bf70c7cfc521094e5cf8bc02bc04a:disqus The plot was a bit forced, and it felt the show was trying a bit too hard. However, that didn't stop it from being a pretty great episode, in my opinion.

@Scrawler2:disqus Yup. I like that it's fun and enjoyable, because fun and enjoyable is good, but I'm disappointed the emotional connection is gone. That's what made this show even more special to me. Ugh. Melodramatic Bunaruma. Stop.