
Yeah, I pretty much got everything. I'm not sure exactly how much continuation there is between the seasons, but based on one episode, I caught on pretty quickly.

First time watcher, and holy crap, I was shocked at how good this was. The overall mood of the show is very gritty and realistic, which is how cop shows should be. I'll be watching more.

I would like to say it wouldn't be effective. However, I can't quite say that.

Depends. How much cash?

That's actually pretty cool. Did I win anything?

What exactly is a Commie? Please don't tell me you guys are all communists.

Bunheads was definitely dirtier than usual tonight. ABC Family? Please. I felt like I was watching Cinemax (Not that I've ever watched Cinemax before……..heh…)

Yeah, I've picked up that this is a pretty great place. And thanks! I've already seen about 4 similar ones. Guess people like Jessica Chastain around here (but who doesn't?).

*Nods approvingly*

I joined the AV Club today. Hi, AV Club! I've already had to deal with a few trolls, and I saw the Girls comment section. What a traumatizing experience. 

*Looks below*

Yup. I actually started watching because of the AV Club's love for the show. Now I realize that was a great decision.


We get it, we get it.

Don't worry, you'll figure it out.

I like how no one knows except us.

No problem.

What is this, some kind of conspiracy movie now? What's with this "Oh, Community isn't the show you think it is" bullshit.

I think you should read the review first before you pass judgment on what he thinks.