
@avclub-36df85263a080f7ce7c3f6098325defd:disqus I know! I'm sweating profusely right now.

Yes you did. I really don't want to continue this. It's getting fucking tiresome. My first day on the AV Club, and I have to deal with you.

Sorry to get all grade school on you, but you started it. You attacked Community and its fans, and I had to respond.

What the fuck are you talking about. Honestly, I'm baffled. I think you got your priorities out of whack. I'm not the one wasting time here.

I mostly agree with this ranking, although I do think I liked The Informant! a bit better than Schizopolis.

And the start of Mad Men is the countdown to Breaking Bad.

I'm going to take your comment one sentence at a time, okay?

Wait what?!

That's glice!