Walter the farting dog

"[Loudmouth dickish comment]…hey, I'm just calling it as I see it."

Don't singe the tail hair.

It's gas.

He's superhuman!


upvoted for "goose"

The best part is their God is the same one they appropriated from the Jews.

Could Alf-God create so many kittens even He couldn't eat them all?

Shouldn't have sent them all off to fight the crusades.

Thanks for that, mental image asshole!

Asian males 9-14 may apply for the position though.

He leaves alla dat qweeah stuff to da priests an bishops enneewayz.

Will work for lasagna.

I'm in the midwest, we have both freeways and tollways, you have to be specific when you're giving directions.

What's even worse is knowing some shithead who calls himself an 'artist' got paid for that.

She cried "Igor, Igor, Igor"

Gregor Samsa?

A Lightsaber but no Death Star?
Half-assed job, Internet.

Reposted Adam Sandler comments?

Where's the beef?