Walter the farting dog

Shouldn't this be in Half-Assed Job, Internet! and not Newswire?

Left your Cadillac with a wheel in the ditch.

Spare us your orgy stories.

But is it Lucy's tits?

I came over here from a disqus page and did have to go through an AV Club login page. It told me my saved password wasn't accepted yet here I am, logged in.

Hey wait a minute, I'm posting with my old AV Club account. How the hell did this happen and can it be replicated?

US 99 is your loony loudmouth uncle who rails against the government and never questions the police or military.

Pretty sure he wrote most of that book in Chicago, you could see if that angle works.

"Yeah, sure I could make The Godfather if I wanted to, I just don't want to." (sniffle)

All for the attention of a dame.

I like my nuts salted.

My mother always said "It smells like dirty feet in here." whenever we opened a bag of Doritos (back when original and nacho cheese were the only flavors), yet continued to buy them for us.

"Now let's send some to the AV Club so they can spit it out across the table in disgust!"

And you call the fried potatoes crisps so that may not have confused her about the fried onions.

When it's puke stains on the front of your shirt it all smells the same, except maybe gin.

Couple that with Marah never having eaten a Dorito and I'm wondering what kind of a deprived childhood she had.

Okay, the real story here is that Marah has never had Doritos before! How is that even possible in 'Murka in the 21st century?

One Cheek Sneak!

I don't know if that would really narrow it down much.