Walter the farting dog

…two things.

I'm twenty years older than you and have never seen an episode.

It could be either a perk of the job, or how you got the job!

That sock puppet is all crusty under my bed.

Even the kind of job that starts wit blow?

*slide whistle

"They lowered my taxes woo-hoo!
I wonder why the water coming out of the faucet is pale brown and smells like cat-ass, damn commies!"

*Shatner fires his entire twitter staff

Pretty soon Prime will just mean "sucker"- if it doesn't already.

I'm pretty sure it's only what they call "pantry" items…so far. I noticed that the last time I was ordering Bustello but I always buy it by the case anyway.

But the fuzz tone on the guitar intro, it's Revolutionary!

You say that like it's a bad thing.

I'd let my doctor front my band for a night, that would be a hoot! A five foot tall Ruth Bader Ginsburg look-alike who does amateur ballet fronting gray-haired garage punks just might be the next big thing.

…in yer mom

Neal's more successful brother (according to their mother).

I'm off to Smell College for my PhD!


These pun threads need to Grohl away once and for all.

I hadn't heard that term until after my riding days were over. Most of the people who approached me with that line of conversation seemed totally oblivious to how they sounded or what they were talking about. I suppose it was autopilot small talk just spouting what came into their heads upon seeing a motorcycle helmet.

I need coffee.