Bag of Dicks

"Mudhole? Slimy? My home this is!"

"Mudhole? Slimy? My home this is!"

Whenever I have to do something I don't want to I'll say in my whiniest voice, "But I was going to go to Toshi station to pick up some power converters."

Whenever I have to do something I don't want to I'll say in my whiniest voice, "But I was going to go to Toshi station to pick up some power converters."

Right here:

Right here:

Professor Blastoff? Which only received one vote on this list.

Professor Blastoff? Which only received one vote on this list.

But Hodgman is fantastic at dealing with those people, from gently making fun of them to actually shouting them down on occasion.

But Hodgman is fantastic at dealing with those people, from gently making fun of them to actually shouting them down on occasion.

"I’ll tell you the most interesting thing about that horrible piece of crap."

"I’ll tell you the most interesting thing about that horrible piece of crap."

@avclub-e8e1ea96f3b1bf8e7400065325e188c8:disqus This bag of dicks is an academic, so my interest was strictly professional. My recreational reading is as dumb as anyone else's. Maybe even dumber!

@avclub-e8e1ea96f3b1bf8e7400065325e188c8:disqus This bag of dicks is an academic, so my interest was strictly professional. My recreational reading is as dumb as anyone else's. Maybe even dumber!

Damn, that's an impressive C.V. I've even read some of the Handbook of Process Theology back when I was on a Whitehead kick, not realizing Donna Bowman was the same person who also writes the Breaking Bad reviews on the AV Club.

Damn, that's an impressive C.V. I've even read some of the Handbook of Process Theology back when I was on a Whitehead kick, not realizing Donna Bowman was the same person who also writes the Breaking Bad reviews on the AV Club.

Oh hi @avclub-022199896b1f52952c180b60caa681bd:disqus , how's your sex life?

Oh hi @avclub-022199896b1f52952c180b60caa681bd:disqus , how's your sex life?

I don't like the hockey joke in the "Bo Knows" commercial (Haha! Black people don't like hockey! Hilarious! And untrue!). It's selling him short. Very few baseball & football skills would translate but I'll bet with dedicated practice he could have been decent at hockey.

I don't like the hockey joke in the "Bo Knows" commercial (Haha! Black people don't like hockey! Hilarious! And untrue!). It's selling him short. Very few baseball & football skills would translate but I'll bet with dedicated practice he could have been decent at hockey.