Bag of Dicks

Throw another turtle on the fire!

Anyone have any idea why they can't delay Kinja until they bash together a threaded commenting system? Do they pay for a monthly Disqus license or something?

Usenet had threading in 1979. 1979! You'd think since then it would have become a standard feature of online commenting systems.

I just don't see how it's possible a practically-immortal, two-hearted alien from the planet Gallifrey whose time-machine/spaceship is shaped like a police call box from the 60s could be a woman. Doesn't ring true to me.

He had a guest spot on Babylon 5 as a criminal.

Oh god how I wish there were.

This is why I will never, ever succeed in any area of life. I'd be humiliated—absolutely humiliated—to propose anything like this to anyone. Or to speak this way at all. I don't got much but I suppose I do have my pride…

Whatever happened to when you someone eat it? I miss when you someone eat it…

Awwww! Lumber has a million uses!

And then the American delivered the coup de grace against my point that Americans can't see Québec as its own place by describing Québécois culture as "semi-foreign," and really drove the point home that Americans don't colonize the entire world in their minds by explaining that when an American uses the words foreign

"Americans absolutely cannot believe that Québec is its own place," I wrote, and then an American totally refuted my point by saying the Québecois exist in a liminal space between 'American' and 'not-American.'

So… turns out Kiva Reardon is from Toronto. Or is a 'Torontonian.' I have no idea what to think now. So hey Kiva… what's up with the scare quotes around Québecois? Did you get edited heavily or what?

Americans absolutely cannot believe that Québec is its own place. They think French is to Québec as they think it is it is to Louisiana - a cutesy affectation for the tourists. No one but Canadians like us care about it, but it's actually an extreme example of the way a surprisingly large majority of Americans think

Not on topic, but way back in the late 90s on rec.arts.startrek.tech the conversation was like: "Holy shit did you see that?! What a great episode! We now have firm canonical data that the maximum power output of the Defiant's phaser cannons is 15.7 terawatts! Oh and Jadzia died too."

As an Ottawa Senators fan, I agree entirely.

"Mike Milbury, who got to the top on actual accomplishment".

I saw this at the Baltimore premiere during the Maryland film festival. I liked it a lot. Less than putty hill but I really do like slowly paced explorations of mood… Anyway it was quite good. A beautiful & slow character study. The musical scenes in particular are great. Two main characters (and actors playing them)

"Michael Sheen and Lizzy Caplan play the titular pair".

Who remembers alt.fan.doctor.bashir.grind.thrust.drool? Cuz I certaintly don't.