Bag of Dicks

I think that would actually work really well.

I think that would actually work really well.

I know what you fucking mean.

I know what you fucking mean.

O'Neal's A Doll's House analogy comparing Nora to Allison Brie and Torvald to all us gawking internet idiots was fantastic.

O'Neal's A Doll's House analogy comparing Nora to Allison Brie and Torvald to all us gawking internet idiots was fantastic.

You ever see Hearts of Darkness? Way better than Apocalypse Now.

I don't know, I just have this feeling I'm going to die by crucifixion.

I don't know, I just have this feeling I'm going to die by crucifixion.

Patrick Stewart.

Patrick Stewart.

On the topic of hockey, the worst was hearing about Gretzky and his gambling scandal. His wife and Rick Tocchet dragged him into that whole sad affair. He was on the Pro Stars cereal box! I don't need my childhood heroes ruined like that.

On the topic of hockey, the worst was hearing about Gretzky and his gambling scandal. His wife and Rick Tocchet dragged him into that whole sad affair. He was on the Pro Stars cereal box! I don't need my childhood heroes ruined like that.

What I wouldn't give for Palin to be present at my crucifixion, guiding me to my death with his kindly, pleasant tone of voice and helpful, compassionate demeanour:

What I wouldn't give for Palin to be present at my crucifixion, guiding me to my death with his kindly, pleasant tone of voice and helpful, compassionate demeanour:

People like that are worse than Hitler.

People like that are worse than Hitler.

I don't think I've laughed out loud at a Simpsons joke since the sequence of scientist jokes in "Bye Bye Nerdie" (which I just looked up and is surprisingly late in the Simpsons run, season 12):

I don't think I've laughed out loud at a Simpsons joke since the sequence of scientist jokes in "Bye Bye Nerdie" (which I just looked up and is surprisingly late in the Simpsons run, season 12):

"No children have ever meddled with the Republican Party and lived to tell about it" is a good companion to that one.