Bag of Dicks

If there's one thing I've always thought about the "Silly Little Show-Biz Book Club" it's that it's far too serious.

If there's one thing I've always thought about the "Silly Little Show-Biz Book Club" it's that it's far too serious.

Can I just interrupt for a moment to dispute the claim that I am sentient? I promise you, my posting behavior is an autonomic reflex.

Can I just interrupt for a moment to dispute the claim that I am sentient? I promise you, my posting behavior is an autonomic reflex.

I feel like "Post-It Notes from Blade" could be a good gimmick account.

I feel like "Post-It Notes from Blade" could be a good gimmick account.

Y'know, I have to think there's got to be a nice middle ground between Nickleback's characterless corporatization of music and Cat Power's unfortunate total mismanagement of money. Somewhere in the, I don't know, Flaming Lips range of success.

Y'know, I have to think there's got to be a nice middle ground between Nickleback's characterless corporatization of music and Cat Power's unfortunate total mismanagement of money. Somewhere in the, I don't know, Flaming Lips range of success.

Favorite throwaway joke: "What a f iend we have in God."

Favorite throwaway joke: "What a f iend we have in God."

Do you feel like you're a potential buyer of these ears and that this review did not help you decide whether or not to buy them?

Do you feel like you're a potential buyer of these ears and that this review did not help you decide whether or not to buy them?

I can't tell what you really think about these cat ears unless you give them a letter grade.

I can't tell what you really think about these cat ears unless you give them a letter grade.

Cracked man, this is article.

Cracked man, this is article.

Back to the hammocks, my friend. You know, there's a little place called Mary Ann's Hammocks. The nice thing about that place is Mary Ann gets in the hammock with you.

Back to the hammocks, my friend. You know, there's a little place called Mary Ann's Hammocks. The nice thing about that place is Mary Ann gets in the hammock with you.

Ralph Nader lost because America will never put a brown man in the White House.

Ralph Nader lost because America will never put a brown man in the White House.