Bag of Dicks

Yeah the answer to Zack's question of whether it's funnier that Bender will kill the pig later or that the pig seems to want to die is neither - the funniest part is that the pig is from Craigslist.

In one of the Community DVD commentaries Dan Harmon explains that whenever he was upset about an episode not being as good as he thinks it should be one of the Russos would calm him down by saying, "Enh, it's pizza." In that there's never really bad pizza - it's always enjoyable on some level. Futurama has mostly been

In one of the Community DVD commentaries Dan Harmon explains that whenever he was upset about an episode not being as good as he thinks it should be one of the Russos would calm him down by saying, "Enh, it's pizza." In that there's never really bad pizza - it's always enjoyable on some level. Futurama has mostly been

Go on, they do not.

Go on, they do not.



As a great poet once said, "It's hard to bargle nawdle zouss/With all these marbles in my mouth."

As a great poet once said, "It's hard to bargle nawdle zouss/With all these marbles in my mouth."

Jesus Christ, I think HE REALLY SAID THAT. But there's no use trying to make sense of what is essentially senseless. We can search for reasons and meanings forever, but we just have to come down to the fundamental fact that ryan1 was simply a lone madman, acting out of his own private, insane motivations.

Jesus Christ, I think HE REALLY SAID THAT. But there's no use trying to make sense of what is essentially senseless. We can search for reasons and meanings forever, but we just have to come down to the fundamental fact that ryan1 was simply a lone madman, acting out of his own private, insane motivations.

I think "wanting to be elected" is the difference between politicans and the rest of us.

I think "wanting to be elected" is the difference between politicans and the rest of us.



Why, Texaco Star Theater, sponsored by Carnation Condensed Milk, of course. Carnation: the only condensed milk made from contented cows.

Why, Texaco Star Theater, sponsored by Carnation Condensed Milk, of course. Carnation: the only condensed milk made from contented cows.

Man, I see that woman who played the school vice-principal in season 4 twice a week at the Giant down the street, and I didn't even pay to do it. Fuck.

Man, I see that woman who played the school vice-principal in season 4 twice a week at the Giant down the street, and I didn't even pay to do it. Fuck.

@avclub-186c9e5f4705d0e85dcc7483abe4a7b5:disqus You're forgetting that it features a CD player. You know, for Flynn's tunes.