Bag of Dicks

@avclub-186c9e5f4705d0e85dcc7483abe4a7b5:disqus You're forgetting that it features a CD player. You know, for Flynn's tunes.

The idea that working in sales is somehow the pinnacle of manliness just makes me laugh my ass off.

The idea that working in sales is somehow the pinnacle of manliness just makes me laugh my ass off.

I did. It looks like it was printed out of a dot-matrix printer. Hilarious.

I did. It looks like it was printed out of a dot-matrix printer. Hilarious.

Dr. Evil: "Okay, we hold the world ransom for… 147 billion dollars (in 2012 USD)."

Dr. Evil: "Okay, we hold the world ransom for… 147 billion dollars (in 2012 USD)."

Always Be Fapping

Always Be Fapping

I'd say Deanna Troi but she didn't have much of a point to begin with.

I'd say Deanna Troi but she didn't have much of a point to begin with.

Can't talk, coming down.

Can't talk, coming down.

Can't talk, coming down.

Can't talk, coming down.

"While NBC remains ambivalent about the series' future, a fan campaign is calling for, and I quote, 'six seasons and a movie!'"

"While NBC remains ambivalent about the series' future, a fan campaign is calling for, and I quote, 'six seasons and a movie!'"

On my most recent re-watch of the first six seasons I worked up my own pet theory that the X-Files is really the Scully show, featuring Mulder. She's just such a strong character.

On my most recent re-watch of the first six seasons I worked up my own pet theory that the X-Files is really the Scully show, featuring Mulder. She's just such a strong character.

I think the X-Files is the reason why I got Netflix instant viewing. (I'm not sure because it could also have been Buffy.)