Bag of Dicks

Neither of those things are exactly sure-fire markers of quality.

Why don't Yugo and make one yourself?

Why don't Yugo and make one yourself?

I am considering whether I'd prefer to be Pete or to be dead very carefully. There are many pros and cons to each option.

I am considering whether I'd prefer to be Pete or to be dead very carefully. There are many pros and cons to each option.

So. I downloaded and played it. It's legitimately amusing. The graphics are taken directly from the show, which is the best part.

So. I downloaded and played it. It's legitimately amusing. The graphics are taken directly from the show, which is the best part.

And she'd hit back much harder, I'm sure.

And she'd hit back much harder, I'm sure.

You'd think, but:

You'd think, but:

Having watched this thing I'm now kind of in love with her. The ballet after bowling a strike, the socks, kissing that guy, spoiling the series for that other guy, and while I'd normally dislike her cutting her shirt because it's kind of pretentious, it really does look better that way.

Having watched this thing I'm now kind of in love with her. The ballet after bowling a strike, the socks, kissing that guy, spoiling the series for that other guy, and while I'd normally dislike her cutting her shirt because it's kind of pretentious, it really does look better that way.

"ominously successful"

"ominously successful"

All they're doing is alienating the overprivileged, bloated Jewish population of Bel Air.

All they're doing is alienating the overprivileged, bloated Jewish population of Bel Air.

Holy crap, it should though shouldn't it?

I can hardly believe Fiat owns Chrysler.