Bag of Dicks

I think Jaguar knows their former reputation. You don't insinuate Jaguar had quality problems in the same way you don't insinuate that the sun is hot. It's just true, no use getting upset about it.

@avclub-b0221b0f49d4249158f04fcc993dbe26:disqus English. It's just hard for him to type with those hooves.

@avclub-b0221b0f49d4249158f04fcc993dbe26:disqus English. It's just hard for him to type with those hooves.

I love the way he says "you can't go back" after that. The line's a cliché but it's like he's really feeling it there. Such a brilliant performance.

I love the way he says "you can't go back" after that. The line's a cliché but it's like he's really feeling it there. Such a brilliant performance.

What's wrong with being sexy?

What's wrong with being sexy?

Sure, yeah, but just you try building a civic religion out of a bourgeois tax revolt without some wild hyperbole.

Sure, yeah, but just you try building a civic religion out of a bourgeois tax revolt without some wild hyperbole.

I assume their endgame involves using their invincible lobbying powers to get the Treasury & Fed to print up an extra $72 trillion in cash to cover these damages. It's the only explanation that makes sense.

I assume their endgame involves using their invincible lobbying powers to get the Treasury & Fed to print up an extra $72 trillion in cash to cover these damages. It's the only explanation that makes sense.

@avclub-6562c5c1f33db6e05a082a88cddab5ea:disqus Reference caught and liked.

@avclub-6562c5c1f33db6e05a082a88cddab5ea:disqus Reference caught and liked.

@avclub-08ae6a26b7cb089ea588e94aed36bd15:disqus Eight quatloos.

@avclub-08ae6a26b7cb089ea588e94aed36bd15:disqus Eight quatloos.

You know what I got Genevieve Koski for her birthday? NNNNNNNOOOOOOTHING!

You know what I got Genevieve Koski for her birthday? NNNNNNNOOOOOOTHING!

So… I want Addison's?