
I agree that I think Greer and the kitchen boy are my favorite pair. I love Mary, especially when she's being a badass queen, but I wish the show had the balls to not put her in the middle of a brother love triangle. Or at least put it off until much further down the road.

I agree in that I have a new respect for the actress playing the Red Queen. The first couple episodes I just thought she was awful, but now that she's gotten to show some range I actually like her. I almost don't even notice her lips anymore.

So I guess Oliver's new no-kill rule doesn't apply to (relatively) innocent Russian prison gaurds?

That sounds like some kind of mutant fish.

I wonder how they're going to incorporate the events of Thor: The Dark World? Like if I don't see it right away am I not going to understand the episode or is the episode going to ruin anything in the movie? I'm curious how this is going to work without spoiling anything for people who haven't seen the movie.

The way he says that in the credits cracks me up every time. I don't know if it's the inflection in his voice or the odd sound effect right in the middle of that sentance but something about it's just a little bit off.

I absolutely adore this show, it might be my favorite new show this season. I don't even mind any of the historical inaccuracies or crazy costumes or modern music because it's just so dang fun. I really hope the CW gives it a chance becaues I can't remember the last time I was this attached to a show this quickly.

But does Hook know for sure Pan's telling the truth? It didn't really look like he doubted it, but I would think there'd at least be a little concern of telling Emma and giving her false hope if there's a chance Neal really is dead. Not that that'll let him off the hook (pun unintended) when she eventually finds out

I really can not stand the Red Queen. Her lips are seriously distracting, but part of me thinks I wouldn't notice them so much if she weren't such an awful actress. I know some of this is probably on the writers, but her line delivery makes me cringe like nails on a chalkboard.

My first thought during that scene was that maybe she had ulterior motives when she got together with Ichabod. Like she knew he was important and was just using him in the beginning. It seems like they've got to come up with a way to invalidate their relationship so eventually he can move on (to Abby).

@avclub-087b52206cd164583fd17f0fa1c5d6a4:disqus Well you certainly wouldn't want to be in front of it.

Ty driving his truck so slowly was cracking me up. Especially because there is a major interstate directly connecting Kansas City and St. Louis, and they appeared to be on some bumpy side road (with a highway in the background no less).

When I read that sentence I thought for one brief, glorious moment I thought someone had remade the game show Supermarket Sweep.

I laughed at the fact that they bothered to put him in a Royals shirt for one scene. I guess that's about the extent of the Kansas research anyone did.

After the rather boring Ravenswood setup this episode, I think the only way I would watch the spin-off is if they revealed that all those people were gathered around the angel statue staring at it to keep it from moving.

I've missed him this season too, but based on the promos it looks like he'll be back next week.

I didn't think either hair accessory was as bad as those shiny red leggings she was wearing for most of the episode. Or Mona's floral capri leggings. I'm pretty sure I had a pair of those when I was in grade school back in the early 90's.

I'm beyond excited that you guys are recapping this show for the summer! Its never-ending string of ridiculous twists and crazy outfits entertain me to no end.

The reveal of her father did surpise me, but now I'm even more confused than ever (maybe that's the point). I'm assuming her dad wasn't trying to kill her, but I thought that woman that came to her apartment was working for him. Did they explain, or hint at, something I missed?

Totally agreed about Matt. I'm really sad that we're not going to get to see the world-travelling adventures of Matt and Rebekah. I actually like them together, but I think it's stupid of the show to try to build their relationship knowing one of them is going to be on a completely different show come fall (same with