She said she graduated MIT in '09, which would make her roughly 27.
She said she graduated MIT in '09, which would make her roughly 27.
He still has to go to Russia at some point too before he goes back to the island. My guess is that'll be season 4's flashback story.
As long as it doesn't end up looking anything like Chris Evans' face plastered onto that scrawny kid at the beginning of Captain America. That was quite frankly terrifying.
Am I the only one who's completely over all the big, angry-sounding, overly long, dramatic monologues? There must've been at least three tonight by different characters and they all start to sound the same after awhile, I find myself just rolling my eyes through all of them.
I admit I was running through all the possible plot twists they could come up with to make Leith the guy in the carriage. And I realized I don't care how convoluted it would be, I wouldn't mind at all if he came back. I mean they brought him back for the first time in like ten episodes just to send him away for good?…
I'm pretty sure his fake accent was solely responsible for Copper's cancellation.
I should've known better when I searched this on my phone. I don't know whether to laugh hysterically or throw up my lunch.
I started watching this because it sounded like Roswell. I was so disappointed in the first couple episodes that I decided to rewatch Roswell instead. I've still been keeping up with this how, and I have to say after the last episode, I was surprised to find myself actually enjoying it. Hopefully it continues to…
I'm so torn about this episode. I really like Rebekah, so obviously I didn't want her to die, but going into it I was annoyed that they were dragging out what I automatically assumed couldn't possibly lead to her death. Then she apparently left for good, which made me wish they had actually had the guts to kill her…
Please don't take away these reviews! This show is legitimately great and I'm sick of it not getting any credit or attention because of the channel it's on.
I can't claim to have thought of this on my own, but I'm intersted in starting a discussion about something I saw pointed out on Twitter…
Now that we know Clarissa is Catherine's daughter, Nostradamus's prophecy about her or Francis? It seems like Clarissa is definitely the first-born, but I guess it's possible he…
Yes, it is Nostradamus doing the voiceover. I remember thinking it was strange that someone only listed as a guest star was doing that. But I guess we'll have to wait until at least next week to see if he's acutally sticking around or not.
FYI, I'm pretty sure Grimm's not on (or at least not new) tonight.
I agree about Bash but I feel like it's mostly because he really hasn't been developed that much as a character yet. Him and Mary haven't had much of a connection since they kissed that one time. I was really looking forward to more time with the two of them on the run in order to justify this triangle, but sadly they…
Not sure I can really pinpoint why, but my reading of that Harriet Jones scene was always that the actual words were irrelevant. He told her he was going to say something that would undo her, so that just made her paranoid enough to effectively do it to herself. It seemed like her aide didn't even really hear (or…
You had me at "lovingly nestling his knuckle against his teammate's hoisted anus". Football and snark? I'm 100% in.
That's a good point about Neal. Neither was Hook for that matter. It really bugged me how Snow and Charming just accepted having to give up their daughter and grandson again. You'd think after how much they regret doing it the last time they'd at least put up a little bit of a fight.
It was hard to tell, but early in the episode when he was telling Mary about his vision, it showed Francis falling down on his knees. The shot of him at the end when Mary's riding off with Bash looked similar, but who knows if it was supposed to be the same thing that Nostradamus saw or not.
The age thing with Diane and Bash was bugging me so much I looked it up on IMDB. Apparently the actress is a whopping 3 years older than the guy playing her son.
I really like her as the moment, but I admit I was disappointed they
brought Billie Piper back and then effectively didn't even let her share
a scene with David Tennant.