
Is it too much to hope that it's both Declan and Charlotte? I'm actually rather enjoying Ashley now that she's working with Jack. Somehow that seems to be making both of those characters more tolerable.

I really want to hate this, but it was better than most of Andy's so you get a like.

@avclub-ea93d61158b479315c8e0d4cd003ec35:disqus I don't know what cast list swansons was referring to, but it's been confirmed that Claire Holt is joining the spin-off next season.

Agreed. But even more than that, I absolutely hate Olivia whenever she's around him. Why they insist on making this supposedly strong, capable character a whiny annoying mess over Fitz is beyond me.

My feelings for the two different plots were completely opposite, so I kind of understand the neutral grade. I loved the Huck stuff, but every scene between Olivia and Fitz just made me want to change the channel.

Gus's perfect reaction when Shawn introduced him as Blue Ivy Carter was one of the funniest lines of the episode.

Disney's been doing this forever. I remember in particular a "Honey, I Blew Up the Kids" show that shook the seats and blew air in people's faces.

If we never get to see that dog again I'm going to be very disappointed. But I'm thinking Lassie got him in the dream world, but he never did in the real one.

I think the gift bag thing was in the real one. That's why Gus didn't get one and he ate Shawn's biscottis at the hospital.

I don't know where you live or what grocery stores you have, but I see it at Hy-Vee, which I think is very mid-west so you may have never heard of that. Maybe Whole Foods or Trader Joe's?

Being from St. Louis originally, the East St. Louis shout out had me in stitches, but is that city really so infamous that people in other parts of the country would get the joke? I guess I never realized people outside of the area knew of East St. Louis.

Does Rumchata count as "hard booze"? I discovered that recently and drank a significant amount at a baseball tailgate this past weekend. It tastes like Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

I've been really into quinoa recently. For being a "fad food" it's surprisingly easy and there are so many delicious ways to prepare it. This week: quinoa mac and cheese.

At least he's wearing gloves. All it takes is one touch of human DNA to bring it back to life.

I always kind of assumed that the only way he was allowed to help with cases was as a psychic. Do police stations normally hire just regular really observant people to consult on cases? I mean, besides Sherlock…

I also loved the Downton Abbey stuff. It was great that they never explicitly called it out, but if you watched the show you'd immediately know what they were talking about.

@larastarcam:disqus Ah you're absolutely right, I figured there must've been one somewhere I forgot about.

Every companion (expect Donna, I think) of the new series, including Jack, has kissed the Doctor. But it almost always has a nonsexual connotation and is usually followed by him making a face like he just contracted cooties.

@avclub-210171df1ec3240b2b2301dce5c90a30:disqus That's ok, because "Mizzurah" is not a state. Missouri (pronounced "ee"), however, is. And I'm prepared to fight anyone who disagrees.