In Belfast

Agree to receive a smack in the face.

I'm just remembering the Frasier episode where the monkey didn't do it where he asks a cop if his gun is loaded.

Have him kill an MI5 agent called Bond.

“Nobody ever remembers the fact that you slipped a film, but they will remember a bad film,” Catmull said, racistly.

I found the escalator scene to be the most hilarious wasting of by standers in any action movie, Arnie doesn't even seem to notice that his new shield is made of human flesh.

Ugh, The Town. I went to see that with my ex, it was as awful as that other crappy movie she asked me to take her to with Jodie Foster and Iron Man's friend as a cop who let her murder someone because, I dunno, justice?

The only admiral in TNG who seemed to have their act together was the only one who apparently survived the slaughter at Wolf-359, the Russian chick who seemed a lot older than she was on Third Rock From The Sun.

If the US somehow "lost" WWII (in the context of his comment, I take the meaning to be that Japan has a foothold on the US mainland) I would have though slave labour, starvation etc would be more of an issue than a war crimes trial. A quick hanging by the neck would surely be better than what the axis forces did to

Or the Red Dwarf/BSG approach, the only other beings, sentient or otherwise, are those created by humans themselves.

It's not.

Another sci-fi role for Johnny Brigg's Dad.

I didn't remember that at all (not that I mean to doubt you) and I'm pretty sure I stuck with B5 to the very end.

Not every species keeps its genitals in the same place.

I still have my copy of The Five Doctor somewhere, with a splendid silverly cover if I remember correctly.

Again, I'm not able to reply to the right post, but with regards security, it's amazing to hear from foreign countries their opinion of law and order in NI. When asked of their opinion on NI, they're typically down on the security forces here, but when asked how they'd respond to riots where "protesters" are using

Even Bono realised that The Troubles extended for years after Bloody Sunday. I know people who lost loved ones to the IRA, Loyalists, the State, just as I left school a girl in the class below was murdered in Omagh (the worst atrocity that town ever saw, commited by Republicans, if that puts it in context).

Is there anything worse than The Troubles? Disqus and IE8 methinks.

As an aside, use of Londonderry as the city name was upheld in the High Court and the full name still appears on road signs and other government documents etc.

I was just displeased that the Lego logo wasn't the right way up on the close up of the opaque blocks.

Dad always insisted we get more of the big buckets of blocks and fewer of the special sets. That way, you had to use your imagination a bit more, but weren't simply building a bigger cube.