In Belfast

Yeah, breakfast TV in the UK won't be the same without the pair of them on the sofa together.

I thought Tolkien had managed a superior translation. But then he died long enough ago to be less well remembered for it I suppose.

I was never fond of Irish nationalism. Socialism that offered the same welfare as the UK would appeal a lot more, but I'd prefer not to have my healthcare provided by Catholics who get all testy about a woman's privates and charge me 50 euro a pop just to come in a say hi to my doctor.
Irish nationalism just always

A few artists have complained about being expected to waffle on about The Troubles when they didn't feel like it, you'd think nothing else ever guided someone's life in Northern Ireland.

I saw Death Proof as a standalone movie but with the fake trailers, which was good fun.

As ever, an excellent cover for the Target novelisation. Thrilling stuff if you were a kid in the 80s, with no idea about the pre-Peter Davidson/Colin Baker Doctors; http://en.wikipedia.org/wik…

Probably a better way of putting it, that he grappled with his conscience.

Remembering this episode, Refa's death doesn't stick with me as much as Londo's speech.
Poor Londo always seemed like a better portrayal of a conflicted man than what you might otherwise get in this sort of tv. He's ok with the invasion of Narn space, but only if it's done in a civilised manner. He's ok with the

How come Babylon 5 episodes are rated, but Farscape episodes merely reviewed?

"a fatal drift into the endless vacuum of nothingness, filmed from the perspective of the disappearing spaceman"

Anyone else feel that with no Nic Cage, there's no reason to watch?

Can't check in work, but does Youtube still have the "Riker hawks some lame shit" video up? Excellent bit of naming by the Youtube user, excellent bit of hawking by Commander Riker.

Before I found out you could "google" for things, I wondered in awe at what happened between Blade Runner and Ace Venture. Wonder why I never just guessed at booze.

"that might sound suspiciously similar to the plot of this spring’s dual-gravity fable Upside Down"

In other words, the next Trek movie script will be yet another trawl of previous Trek movies, for lines and scenes that they can lift wholesale in the hopes that fans won't notice, or will for whatever reason cheer them on.

At least they had asians playing the asian characters who had lines, unlike in The Talons of Weng Chiang.

Gas warhead, nuclear propulsion. Although our reviewer got it the wrong way around, a craft with a dirty nuclear engine flying about over a foreign power would still create more of a mess than a gas attack.

Indeed, I could see the internal logic in not replicating Delgado's performance, but it didn't make for great TV.

I loved the show when I was around that age too, all I can remember of it now (aside from the penknife) are an episode where he escapes from a nuclear waste container and a lab with a killer alien bug inside. And of course the swiss army penknife I asked for as a birthday present.

I remember asking for a swiss army penknife for a birthday in the 80s, my only act of fan worship I can remember from that age.