Bob LaRice

Well, I stand corrected, then. Is the book worth reading if you've seen the movie and heard the radio story?

I think the George C. Scott thing actually has been a meme for some time. Though god knows it's hard to keep track.

I thought The Informant was based on a This American Life piece. And that was pretty good.

Of course.
That dowdy, plain-faced Rosario Dawson. Who could ever possibly view her as date material?

I read what you wrote there.

That title
makes it sound like one of those awful American "Being Human" episodes.

Here it comes…

I'm sure somebody will say U2.

Not really, no. And Bronson is pretty entertaining, really. Give it a shot.

Goddamn it, that Sappity Tappity shit was hilarious. I don't care what y'all think.

something something Thrilling Adventure Hour
It's a pretty fun show, right? And she's pretty good on it, right? Am I right, people?

Did people not like Important Things with Demetri Martin?

I thought it was a remake of the Hal Hartley film.

That intro really ragged on Juno.

Alan Ball?
Or Tim Curry?

I actually really enjoyed Enter the Void, but the acting and the script were abysmal. And that's not a small amount of a film.

Yeah, Catfish was pretty dang good. And also had the "hoax" label lobbed at it for even less clear reasons.


Well then I will retract my agreement and add that I apparently misread your list.