Bob LaRice

My favorite bit about The Town: the trailers played up the fact that it was "from the acclaimed director of Gone Baby Gone" without ever mentioning that it was, y'know, Ben Affleck. Because ew.

I'm torn between actually doing this and making fun of this. But if I've learned anything from the internet, it's that earnestness is always rewarded and supported.

Well, Binky, the only thing that brings me more joy than the Aryan harmonies of ABBA is the notion of Germany over all.

Dancing Queen
Yup. It's a good song. It brings me joy. It's how I'd like my last moments to be.

Teacher, teacher, teach me love
I can't learn it fast enough

wtf is radiohead lol

Godfather 3 wasn't a flop, though. Alexander and The Lovely Bones you could make cases for, even though both ended up turning a profit eventually. Leopard Part 6 sounds amazing.

"these people in my band—they are my very good friends"
But there's no comment from them. I wonder where they are tonight.

You should probably read the book. The distinct impression I got from watching the movie, without having read the book, was, "I bet the book is really good."

Editor Richard Marx
There's a pun right there waiting for me, but I just can't get to it.


I hope there was some sort of mixup where the graphic designer they hired dropped the briefcase containing the actual design out the window of a moving train (presumably following wacky hijinx of some sort) and had to whip this up on his Blackberry in the 15 minutes before the meeting. Because someone actually

That sounded snippier than I intended it to. It's a damn good album, though.

I'll add to the chorus of support for that lovely little standards album. In fact, that was the album that got me into Harry Nilsson in the first place. So I'll stand as living testament that, for some of us at least, it's hardly "where not to start".

Scott Tobias
He is a noted enemy of joy, though. I think we can all agree on that.

3rd Prize: Wait, Rupert Holmes is Harry Nilsson? They didn't talk about that in the documentary at all!

Kind of a shitty movie. Discuss?

I'm quite fond of "Exhaustion from Having Sex with a Minor". It's hard to go wrong once you've got that title locked down, but still.

a blurry, black and white, out-of-focus blur