Bob LaRice

People need to stop harping on that Crank 2 rating. Crank 2 was fucking great.

An official announcement is expected during the Aug. 30 episode of Bachelor Pad.

The Prisoner of Zenda
Did no one else enjoy the inexplicable but delightful references to the titular book/movie(s)? No Ronald Colman fans in the house?


However, I did quite enjoy the song "Little Lovin'" when I heard it on a music podcast somewhere, so I'm looking forward to this one.

"She catches the tiger here, but only just by its toe"
Really? Really, guy?

Lies, lies, and lies.

They still have no listing for this. Can't add it to the DVD queue, can't add it to the "Saved" queue, nothin'.

I would certainly watch a movie where two men broke into Adam Sandler's house and slowly tortured him and his family in front of the camera.

According to Comic-Con previews,
Don't Be Afraid of the Dark actually looks good. All that other shit looks pretty dire, though.

I was one of the dudes who didn't get in
Yup. They dismissed the line for the folks just there for Community about 20 people ahead of me. Basically what I'm trying to say is that you are DEAD, VDW. DEAD.

Contrary opinion: You may well be disappointed because it drags in a number of places.

Incidentally, what's yr take on Cassavetes?

Scott Pilgrim? Nobody?

That, uh, is the point, I think, of the whole enterprise. Revenge is bad and consumes you.

I'm probably the only person on the planet who thinks the movie would have been better if Andy had hung himself.

I'm gonna say Fallen, the Denzel-Washington-fights-a-demon movie from the mid-90s. Pretty rote stuff, and then the ending… shit.

"I'd like to begin by saying, fuck Lance Armstrong. Fuck him and his balls and his bicycles and his steroids and his yellow shirts and the dumb, empty expression on his face. I'm tired of that asshole. And while you're at it, fuck Tiger Woods, too. There's another jackoff I can do without.

There's really nothing in that description that makes me even slightly inclined to see this.