Bob LaRice

The Road was a fucking good movie
And it deserves to be recognized as such.

Yes, how DARE they use their arbitrary grading system to imply the movie is simply "very good" instead of "an unqualified classic"!

Altar Boyz
What the fuck is this bullshit.

U suck.

The real question
Is the Cat Power song in it?

The Men Who Stare At Goats
I'm gonna stick up for it. Yes, the whole third act seemed kind of perfunctory, and nothing got resolved especially, but goddammit, that movie was funny. And clever, too. Clooney is at his manic screwball best, Jeff Bridges gets to play The Dude again, and there's a lot of quotable dialogue.

Well thanks a lot
Bitchass Noel Murphy got the show canceled, man.

I will pay… less money than that. But I might pay some money! Maybe!

And I just used "it's" instead of "its". I'm going to go… die… over here…

The thing that makes me angriest about that article is it's use of "reigning in".

Book was an Operative. It's made pretty apparent from the hints in the show and the movie.

Oh, what fresh hell.

That should not have happened

That should not have happened

That should not have happened

Lovely actress
Terrible interviewee.

Aside from Hannah Montana, you mean?

Fallen is a way, way better movie than people give it credit for. The ending kicks serious ass.

Cleveland Jr.'s singing voice sounds a lot like Antony Hegarty.

They will, but they'll replace it after one season with a Randy Newman song.