Bob LaRice

The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra was truly fantastic. I doubt this could top it.

Jericho Ainsley, a master spook

I think it's meant to be "loose". It's a verb, too.

Why should those things be mutually exclusive? SYNERGY, friends! ADVERTAINMENT!

Ben Stiller is surprisingly funny and likable in that movie. I don't know where the hell he got it.

Tombstone as a whole I'm kinda iffy about. If they did a whole movie about Val Kilmer as Doc Holliday, though… THAT shit I'd watch non-fuckin'-stop.


Beth Ditto?

That cough don't sound too good, Bill Murray!

Fatburger is really fucking tasty.

I liked the monkeys. And the refrigerator.

Man, I thought for sure Bananas would be on here.

I remember reading that it was supposed to involve Ash from Evil Dead, but Bruce Campbell refused to do it unless Ash won.

Have we done a Kramer vs. Kramer joke yet?

What? That was, like, the high point of the whole writers' strike.

Indeed. That's definitely going on my list of "best shouty rock vocalizations".

Boobah would freak me right the fuck out if I watched it stoned. There's an odd air of menace to the whole thing.

Loving the Lazy Town/Lil Jon mashup
I've watched it like five times now and I can't stop giggling. Even more remarkably, I'm not high. Is there something wrong with me, or is this video truly the greatest thing ever?

Good god that's a terrible name
Waiting for this one on the annual shitty band-name roundup list, AV Club. Get on it.

So… umm…
What am I missing here? I've listened to most of their first album, all of their second, and just now all of their third and… I still don't get it. I feel like I should like them, but none of the hooks or the singing or anything sticks out at all. What key component to appreciating the fine folks in Grizzly