Bob LaRice

It Could Have Been a Brilliant Career: 9 Actors who Died Immediately After Making their Best Movie

Like Dylan in the Movies: 7 Films with Memorable Sequences Set to Bob Dylan Songs

The Stars of Track and Field: 10 Olympic Athletes with Short-Lived Film Careers

Salinger's already dead.

Adams liked what he saw of Hitchhiker's Guide. Which was, to be fair, a pretty fun movie.

* he WAS saying

The reviewer wasn't saying he was looking for the album to be "energetic, danceable, and fun", he saying that the final track, which had those qualities, was one of the best on the album because it played with the typical Camera Obscura formula.

A fair assessment. Though I also suspect the award was for Tilda Swinton in general more than for her performance in that film. The Academy just has hangups about nominating actors for performances in "non-Oscar" films; otherwise they'd've given it to her for Narnia.

Man, what. Catch Me If You Can was rad.

Even Flea?

Chiwetel Ejiofor. Even his name is badass.

I think the Primer is more comprehensive than the Gateway to Geekery, and applies to more "important" pieces of pop culture (Prince and Bruce Springsteen get Primers, modern British television comedies and anime get Gateways).

Greatest opening lines ever, y/n?
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen
Boys and motherfucking girls
This is your captain with no name speaking
And I'm here to rock your world

I don't get the hating on Atonement. That's a damn fine film of a damn fine book, and I can definitely see where one can get bleary-eyed from the ending. It's just bleak as all hell.

And I see both of these have already been mentioned. I'm just glad I'm not alone.

Two rather inexplicable choices
I have absolutely no idea why it, of all films, has been able to do it to me, but the only film I ever remember crying at in the theater is Big Fish. Yes, the Tim Burton movie about Albert Finney telling stories about Ewan McGregor and elephant poop. And yet… the climax of the movie,

Remember when we used to call that the Puff Daddy School of Rap?
Ah… heady days.

Bryan Cranston
"AMC's worthy companion to Mad Men stars Bryan Cranston as a chemistry teacher (Bryan Cranston) who takes up the meth business."

Aw, heeeeell naw!

Great movie
Good, good movie. I'd say it's Kubrick's best film.