
That's not a nice thing to say.

*hugs* Who is SBT?

I 'member those two friendly stray kittens who used to drop by, they were very nice.

You're welcome, friend!

Dork is a bad word.

Why would you want your two besets friends to die in a fire? That's not very friendly - YOU NEED A HUG!

Hello, my friend, how much did you miss me?

No, I am not SBT. SBT is grumpy and I love EVERYBODY!

I love you all! But I love Enemynarwhal the most, he seems to need it so.

Hi guys…

Why don't you love me? I love everybody. *hugs everybody, cries*

Oh, hey your friend SBT wants to hug…

I bet you taste like salt water taffy….

No… wait, how do you even know this? Are you in my room? Are you sleepy? I bet you're sleepy.

Sorry, Musti is still sound asleep, but I can take a message.

Musti just glided merrily down my throat. He was ticklish and smelled of walnuts.

I didn't eat him! I just licked her and he just sort of… crawled down my throat.

Well, yes, but he told me he wanted a nice, warm, snug place to nap. She's my friend, how could I say no.

Of course I am! And being a kitten, I'm already filled with kitten material.

Well, duh. Leonard was friends with everybody. Even with that meanie Jeff.