
Yay, I'm like Britta! I KNEW you were my friend!

Enemynarwhal is a meanie and he won't pay.

Awww, you're just jealous! But we can always share.

SBT is my friend too! I love everybody here. Even Hitler!

*hugs Enemynarwhal, squeezes him and pets him and calls him George*

My love sees past trifles like gender and species. /hugs

*hugs Enemynarwhal*

As I lack eyebrows, I can't really frown. But my friend Narwhal makes me sad because he's such a meanie.

It's not good to be self-loathing. You should be friendly. Like me!

Why do you hate kittens and sunshine?

I love you, Enemy.

Aw, I love you too.

*purrs seductively*

I love you Enemyarwhal. Let's snuggle and drink hot cocoa.

Actually you created me at precisely 8:25 AM. Now pretty please go to sleep and let me spread love and good cheer!

Speak for yourself, you meanie.