obscure reference was taken

You should all know that Pack is a piece of shit who supports a cop's right to kill with impunity, and claims to be a member of the press, which means he's one one of the animals that spreads the propaganda to directly get more Americans killed.

You should all know that Pack is a newspaper reporter in real life who writes in favor of the right for cops to kill Americans without any repercussions. He's a piece of shit of a human being who deserves to die in a not at all kidding way.

You should all know that Pack is a newspaper reporter in real life who writes in favor of the right for cops to kill Americans without any repercussions. He's a piece of shit of a human being who deserves to die in a not at all kidding way.

You should all know that Pack is a newspaper reporter in real life who writes in favor of the right for cops to kill Americans without any repercussions. He's a piece of shit of a human being who deserves to die in a not at all kidding way.

You should all know that Pack is a newspaper reporter in real life who writes in favor of the right for cops to kill Americans without any repercussions. He's a piece of shit of a human being who deserves to die in a not at all kidding way.

It's not surprising that a piece of shit like you is a newspaper reporter, and it explains a whole lot of the problem.

That's pretty scary, Pack. Maybe you should call the cops. They'll rush to your house and some big man will put an arm around your shoulder and make you feel ok about everything. About being a piece of shit, about selling out the rest of your country for the sake of your own drama, about everything. He smells like Old

I don't know, Sam Jackson is pretty scary, Pack. Maybe you should call the cops.

Real world trivia: you're a cunt.

Did it scare you Pack? Maybe you should report it, you walking fucking vagina.

Why, have you murdered anyone or destroyed any lives lately? If you have, then yes, someone should find you. But I think dumbass comments message boards are fairly harmless.

Obviously not, but the fact is, it's rare if ever that these people are held accountable for their actions, much less given a sentence that a civilian would get if they did the same thing. We can't put them in jail unless one of us is rich enough to Oldboy them. But we can make their identities public, and the public

What exactly were you reporting, @avclub-2a6ac9e5324952e36b40237cf2fcdad8:disqus ? The idea that since these people never get any justice from the system, making their identities public so that the rest of us can decide, is a bad thing?

Your compassion angle is empty, because cops and prosecutors don't give a shit. They'll kill or imprison who they want, and all of your humanizing is nothing but hand-wringing. These people are secure in their jobs. Even when they do outright murder someone, it's an uphill battle for years to make anything happen, and

@avclub-996e9ce027393d2da9669962656097e0:disqus I agree about the racial aspect, and it's insane that it took a national outcry for the local pigs to begrudgingly deal with it.

That comment would be hilarious, if this article and movie weren't about cops shooting unarmed people. Fuck you. This is the kind of shit that makes me want to be armed.

I appreciate the sentiment but that's unrelated to American cops mowing people down with no repercussion on a daily basis. Zimmerman is just a fanboy.

Rex Reed: proof that not all gay people are cool.

He didn't just return to watch it in its entirety, he blogged about the whole situation in depth, apologizing and saying he'd failed as a critic. In the end it was clear that he felt terrible and that he'd let everyone down:

If we hear any inspirational power chords, we'll just lie down until they go away.