obscure reference was taken

Yes, that is what's gross about it.

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Yet keeping the belief that diaper pants are cool. Odd.

It looks dumber than a bag of hamburgers, but if it gets del Toro the leverage to make that movie with Charlie Kaufman, I'll begrudgingly not make fun of it.

@avclub-fbca7c48c185890bd31f538b91ba5fbb:disqus That's child abuse.

I blame the parents.

It's not just him. For a few minutes I was confused that A Clockwork Orange wasn't mentioned in the interview. In fact, I just googled "A Clockwork Orange Stamp" and the second result is an IMDB article that says it is Stamp in the movie. http://www.imdb.com/news/ni…

The money really is the thing, in this case. He spends a lot of his fortune on persecuting people. If I give him money, I'm nearly giving money directly to one of those causes. Just can't do it. It really is sad for all of us.

Yes, you should shut the fuck up. You were worried about your uncles briefly before finding out they were fine? Jesus Christ, could you be more of a drama queen?

As someone from the Boston area, please, shut the fuck up with this melodrama. If you got blown up or someone in your family did, you have a right to say whatever you want, otherwise, just shut the fuck up already. Your hysteria validates every slimy media and government tactic that exists.

This is the worst idea ever, please be kidding.

It still feels like it came out of left field. Characters that we've never seen and have only been mentioned once (and not until 2/3s of the way through the movie) show up and execute him without fanfare, the end. It feels like a deus ex machina. It would have been a lot more natural and satisfying if his downfall had

Surprise smash is what the article said, which is even weirder. It's not even close to making back its production budget, much less its advertising budget (it's made 158 million according to BoxOfficeMojo, and I think only half of that goes back to the studio). The reviews range from hate to "it's not that bad". I

I have no desire to watch a movie about giant robots myself, but I hope Pacific Rim makes all of the money, and this is why.

1) He's a cop, and in this country, killing a cop, even in self-defense, means you don't get a trial or even arrested— you get killed.

Who's the hot redhead MILF in the background?

Don't be silly. The gun's for other people with guns. A cunt like you, I would choke to death.

I need a gun to defend myself from the police, because this is America.

The Blair Witch Project: The first and last time found-footage ever should have been used. Even then, 10 minutes into the gimmick you were sick of it.

Someone really should have warned me about all of the body horror shit in Upstream Color.