diarrhea forever

I know exactly what most of those agencies do, and I'd sure miss the National Park Service. Also, the FDA seems to be kind of important.

This movie would have been super righteous if Jamie Foxx had been a hobo cellist trying to track down and capture super-killer Gerard Butler. I would have been like, "GO AHEAD AND ENGRAVE THAT OSCAR, LADIES!"

They'll help you every day. They'll brighten all the way.

If I can't even get there on a city bus, for Christ's sake, why would I ever want to go there or even hear about it? Fuck those peasants. More like Scum Island.

"the Holy Sepulchre is where Christ was buried, not born"

I saw Clerks in college, and it fit neatly into that 90s zeitgeist, and I still have a soft spot for his films, but KS really needs to grow some thicker skin, or at least take his hits with greater dignity. As if film critics would all get together at their monthly retreat in the Hamptons and declare to one another,

1977. My students were in third and fourth grade when 9/11 happened. Chew on that for a while.

Wow. Someone just mentioned the Greaseman. Who's your daddy indeed.

"Yeah, guys and ugly chicks shouldn't make racist jokes, but Sarah? She's all right."

Eyeballs and fire are awesome. I love the way BB is able to take plot elements and make them multidimensional, rich with symbolic and emotional meaning. The X-Files was able to do that, when it was on its game. I've got nothing but respect for Vince Gilligan.

$30 million is still a lot for Baby Mama. That's like, $6 million per laugh.

Seriously, though. Universal is balking at a $35 million budget? This is the studio that financed a $100 million Land of the Lost bomb. And remember Baby Mama? No? Well, that movie cost $64 million. Fucking Mamma Mia! was a Universal picture, and it cost $52 million.

Shirley Manson knew what was good for you. (You could have touched her if you wanted.) She knew you were dying to. (You could have touched her if you wanted.)

It's a mix. I've been to DBT shows where the American Apparel crowd was literally rubbing elbows with sweaty hillbillies waving Confederate flags.

Was it my imagination, or was Liz Lemon's cell phone ring "Fuck the Pain Away?" That was a nice touch.

Put me in the hate conspiracy camp. This one was funny.

You haven't seen skinny black jeans until you've seen Angela Lansbury in skinny black jeans.

I would like to see a buddy cop movie starring Randy Quaid and Beau Bridges where they do nothing but watch TV and eat disgusting moldy food from the back of the fridge and complain about various infections while the serial killer gets away scot-free.

Wow. It's GREAT how homophobic the AV Club comment boards have become. Every time I visit this site, the comments are ALWAYS about how GROSS gay people are, and it's HILARIOUS every time, not to mention REASSURING to my tenuous sexuality.

You feed this to your baby, you're basically training them to be a hobo. They'll grow up craving dumpster peaches.