diarrhea forever

"Make sure that their well-meaning friends don't slip them a sandwich, or all hope will be lost!"

Yeah, and how did they get that head to stay on that tortoise shell, and upright, no less? Gorilla glue?

I thought I understood Sarah Silverman before I heard an interview with her, and she was very girlie and cutesy-pie, almost to an alarming degree. I think most of her audience tends to interpret her humor as being very self-aware and ironic, a sly commentary on ignorance and racism, but I'm starting to believe that

For me, the end of Aerosmith was "Pink." And that excessively creepy (and not in a good way) video. There was no redemption after that.

Thank God the cousins are gone. At the end of the day, Gus is a way more compelling and chilling antagonist than a couple of ruthless Mexican terminators.

Four seasons sounds about right to me. The show is already laying the foundation for much bigger catastrophes, the kind that Walt won't be able to easily dodge. The stakes are getting so high, in other words, that at some point, it's going to feel like cheating if our tragic hero doesn't go down in flames somehow.

Trenchant is a word that sounds like the opposite of what it means.

Someone issued Frank Miller a lifetime pass? Jesus Christ, they're just giving those things away these days.

"My dear friend Moby just opened a tea house in Park Slope. Do you know him?"

She's a symbol. People hate symbols, unless they love them. But they don't often feel ambivalent or conflicted about them.

Everyone knows that redheads are the contemporary descendants of Neanderthals. MIA is just trying to educate us about a 200,000-year-old anthropological feud. Somewhere, somehow, the intra-genus violence has got to stop.

the flashy girl from flushing
"a mid-'90s studio audience's uncertainty with what to do about catty gay men"

Obligatory mention of Grim Fandango. Man that game was fucking brilliant.

The suggested donation is $4.21. To honor Mr. Baldwin's enduring film legacy, I'm giving $4.20.

Actually, mine was a parody of a review review.

I want to talk about something else. How does everyone feel about cheese? My favorite is manchego. Is brie overused these days? Discuss.

I give this review a D+. Phipps is going through the motions here, although we occasionally receive flashes of the subversive brilliance that made previous efforts like "RIP Dixie Carter" and and "Chloe" such a joy to read. Although technically accomplished, "Kick-Ass | Film | Review" is hampered by uneven pacing and

That floating carnivorous island (?) is surely the biggest WTF in contemporary literature, and I don't mean that in a good way.

This movie must have been in theaters for about fifteen minutes. I remember seeing a decent trailer for it not too long ago, and now all of a sudden it's on DVD.

What, you don't have veins in your feet? That's how chimpanzees shoot up.