diarrhea forever

Mbs is right. Nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public. I think Huey Lewis said that.


Globalization, baby. I can go into a Japanese restaurant these days and get pad thai, a Vietnamese restaurant and get sushi, a Chinese restaurant and get spaghetti. Now if only those motherfuckers who run that tapas restaurant would learn how to make a decent taco.

Betty White as MacGruber's mother!

I would say that the reason free will can't exist in a game (other than the obvious technical limitations) is because there's a fundamental tension between narrative and choice, to the extent that storytelling is by definition limiting, and it becomes more and more difficult and finally impossible to construct a

I think japan is pretty much right, that the best games are the ones that provide the illusion of free will while at the same time nudging you in the direction of a predetermined storyline. It's that tension between choice and narrative that makes those games great, exemplified by the moment when you suddenly discover

Did the US sign some sort of treaty years ago mandating that whenever anyone mentions urban crime anywhere in the world, someone has to pop up and say, "Yeah, but it's still safer than any American city!" … ? How come no one ever says, "Yeah, but it's still safer than Rio!" Or, "Vancouver is still much less dangerous

So to answer your question, yes, I think a fresh-from-the-womb preemie trailing its umbilical cord and afterbirth and smothered in blood, amniotic fluid and meconium would make a fine Olympic mascot.

You're all going to be sorely disappointed when you get to heaven and God is blasting this on his divine sound system.

There's a woman on the Canadian curling team who is 5 1/2 months pregnant. That must inform this debate in some way. As in: if you can rise to the peak of achievement in a sport with a potentially viable fetus inside you, we are allowed to question its sportiness.

Turns out, the sane were insane, and the insane were sane all along. PARADIGM SUBVERTED.

Ha. You said "Alex," but really, it's "Alec."

Rowan, I would totally play that game, if only for the epic battles against Big Ben Nelson.

Okay, I meant the things they REALLY want to do, like mandating the electric chair for abortion doctors and dismantling Social Security in favor of roadside pachinko machines and replacing the Department of Ed with a red, white and blue charter bus that rides around passing out Davy Crockett hats to robust-looking

I'd say the 90s were a 60s revival, at least in spirit. Democratic Baby Boomer in the White House, "unfashionable" fashion trends, anti-establishment posturing, super-serious, politically-charged pop music that tries to be literary and explore Big Ideas. Pearl Jam and Neil Young. Poor grooming as a mark of sincerity.


Well, if things didn't suck so much, we wouldn't have to pacify ourselves with dreamy nostalgia, now would we?

I'm guessing, then, that this movie makes gestures toward all the usual vampire myths (sunlight, eternal life, etc.) with the notable and convenient absence of one—Eli can't create new vampires … ?

But are we going to get any camera crotch crashes this year?

Ben Folds is my dad. He's so, like, OLD.