diarrhea forever

"Ever since there have been such things as novels, the world has been flooded with bad fiction for which the religious impulse has been responsible. The sorry religious novel comes about when the writer supposes that because of his belief, he is somehow dispensed from the obligation to penetrate concrete reality. He

Flannery O'Connor said that too many Christian writers think that being Christian excuses them from presenting the world as it is. Or something like that. I always think of that line whenever some artist goes Christian and immediately and enthusiastically puts the Jesus glasses on.

Bullshit, because the inverse of that theory is that girls are into guys who listen to wussy chick rock, and that sure as hell isn't true.

Anyone remember the X-Files remix of Walking After You? It was faster, more upbeat. The video had Grohl doing a Midnight Express thing.

They're great live, though. Grohl's got that scream.

I had a German friend once, and he would have certainly caught most of the jokes on 30 Rock, as he was obsessed with shitty American pop culture, especially old television shows. He loved Alf and Miami Vice and Golden Girls and Perfect Strangers and Full House and even Small Wonder, all the same garbage that I

This comment reads like a Hemingway story.

My Gramlins died when I was 13.

Jennifer Jason Leigh, Mary Stuart Masterson, Penelope Ann Miller, Mary Louise Parker. It's all so confusing.

I don't know. I'm thinking that Cameron should've gone to the Jim Henson Creature Shop.

If I'd had a broadband Internet connection when I was 13, a lot of things would have been awesome.

It's nice to see a realistic single woman on TV.

I'm going to go ahead and say that if you feel the need to keep certain fundamental tenets of your belief system secret from "non-believers," to the point that you won't even discuss them in public, your religion isn't ready for prime-time.

You know, I'm always surprised by the relatively meager online presence of the COS. You see the occasional Scientologist user every now and then trying to revert Wikipedia articles and what not, but the Internet is not nearly as infested with the foot soldiers of Xenu as I would expect, attacking articles like this


Yeah, Glenn Beck is the pasty, sniffling leader of a cult of half-wit fanatics. But still, four minutes? Holy God. Who would sit through four minutes of that who wasn't already fully indoctrinated?

Goddammit, it was a trilby.

I don't feel guilty about anything, I promise. So is it still okay for me to think that this movie looks like a piece of shit?

Joshua Tree is overplayed, most classic albums are, but it's sure as shit not anything close to "frat rock." That's just flame-baiting nonsense.

To the extent that this show has a moral center, it's Charlie.