diarrhea forever

Piling on, maybe, but the Fred Armisen bit at the town hall was pretty damn funny.

In terms of his appeal to young people, Chuck Palahniuk would be a pretty good candidate for Generational Voice. The kids I've taught, even the ones who aren't serious readers, devour his work. But even that's a pretty tenuous claim, and honestly, I think you need a (relatively) unified youth culture before you can

I was surprised to learn that he was still around at 76. For some reason, I always pictured Cap'n Lou as being the stogie, whiskey and KFC Famous Bowl type. Maybe all three at once.

The saving grace of 30 Rock, I think, is that it's manic at a level that Will & Grace could only dream about, and the jokes are very dense and very quick, so that if you blink you'll miss at least three one-liners and a sight gag. That's what makes it rewatchable, and that's why even the bad episodes are a lot of fun,

Shit, Warren Oates beat me to it. I'll just slink away, then.

The Godfather.

All the white guys on the show are mix-and-match these days. Although I can usually remember who Bill Hader is, because he looks like a cartoon villain, and he always plays some variety of leering creep.

I know! Why don't they ever give Nobel Peace Prizes to people that I agree with and / or support ideologically? Like Charles Krauthammer! Or T. Boone Pickens! It's like the Norwegians are TRYING to piss me off.

Number one, I meant.

How was CCR supposed to get a Top 40 single with the fucking Beatles sitting on the top of the charts? The marching band refused to yield, remember?

Delaware could be worse. It could be Rhode Island.

All the 60-minute episodes feel padded.

Roger Avary was the real genius all along.

I'm not feeling this show at all, and it has everything to do with the Jesus-Christ-do-we-have-to-suffer-through-this-sitcom-archetype-again male lead, the smarmy hypersexed prick with a heart of gold, as recycled here by Joel McHale. Jesus Christ again. I really hope the writers quickly drop the Sam-and-Diane routine

Well, that's the price you pay for clarity, sanity and maturity. No one gives a shit about you.

First of all, my diarrhea is metaphorical, as I've pointed out before. Second, are you trying to disparage shepherd's pie? It's peas, it's mashed potatoes, it's meat. What are you, a communist?

To Wong Foo and Thanks For All the Fish. Also, I saw part of North and South a long time ago. Guy had a mullet, even playing a Civil War soldier.

What's the big deal? She's beautiful, she's talented and I bet she bakes a mean shepherd's pie. That's a quality chunk of woman.

Wait a minute. Bruce Willis is attractive? He looks like the guy who came to fix the hot water heater in my last apartment.

Dane Cook isn't a douche, he's an asshat. The formula goes like this: