
Those credits gave me the sads. :(

10 years from now, Spartacus will be seen as a vastly superior show to Game of Thrones.

This article reads like Armond White bullshit. Sorry.

"troll bait"

There is no backlash. Look around the Internet. Todd has to get those precious clicks by being a contrarian. He's turning more into a Tim Goodman hack everyday.

Fuck off Todd. Girls just had an abomination of a season that you didn't go out of your way to write a special FOC hitpiece over. You instead choose to passive-aggressively dump all over Parks and Rec instead. Shit like this is why I'm visiting this site less and less and why this is the only TV site I don't have

Not even Spartacus has visible cumshots.

Enjoyed it, hope to see regular coverage.

Britta's ass though.

It truly saddens me that Alona Tal can't get better work apparently.

Just the weekly reviewers. The reviewers from AV Club and Hitfix have been way more negative on the show than your average person on Twitter or old school reviewer like Ken Tucker. I'm not going to say why that is like you did, but I've definitely noticed it as well.

It does qualify for the Emmys. All Netflix shows will.

Sorry! :(

RIP Peter Russo. One of my favorite characters from a political drama ever.

No that's what I was referring to. It's going to be too confusing if I've watched the entire series by Sunday and will have to try and remember what happened in Episode 2 specifically when that review comes out next Friday. Just let us comment anywhere and everywhere.

Ugh, I hope you guys decide to just let people post what they want where they want on either this or Todd's review otherwise you run the risk of turning comment sections on Netflix series into TWoP-like horrors.

Promoting cocaine use like this episode did won't get a single negative article about it, whereas the "shocking violence" in the pilot of The Following that was no worse than stuff on The Vampire Diaries had dozens and dozens of articles written about it.

Walter telling Peter goodbye at around the 20 minute mark of the final hour was the best scene the show has ever done.

Add it AVC!

I have consumed alcoholic beverages before in the same establishment that Brody and the Marine guys were at. That is all. Carry on AV Club.