I have consumed alcoholic beverages before in the same establishment that Brody and the Marine guys were at. That is all. Carry on AV Club.
I have consumed alcoholic beverages before in the same establishment that Brody and the Marine guys were at. That is all. Carry on AV Club.
Such a strange way to lead off a network's new fall lineup. Oh CW.
Such a strange way to lead off a network's new fall lineup. Oh CW.
I really liked that pilot. Fuck everybody in The AV Club.
I really liked that pilot. Fuck everybody in The AV Club.
Felt like a random mish-mash of scenes that didn't add up to anything. Terrible.
As someone that has really disliked both Inspector Spacetime and the Dreamatorium up to this point, I was expecting to really dislike this episode. My expectations were wrong. Great episode even if it was WAY overproduced.
I think this season has been a pretty significant step backwards from late Season 1/Season 2. I continue to find the new villains completely uninteresting and a lot of this season has just been wheel spinning until some presumably great stuff late in the season. I know longer consider this to be one of my favorite…
Another annoying Ryan McGee screed. McGee is the Hell on Wheels of TV critics.
My high school best friend Karla Davis is competing on The Voice tonight, so that's MY top pick goddamn it.
Loved it. Poor Dylan Minnette, has any actor ever been typecast as "figment of someone's imagination"?
Best episode since Paintball 1.
Giancarlo Esposito
Early frontrunner for Best Supporting Actor in a Drama 2012?
Really enjoyed
I humbly request that the AV Club covers it weekly. It's definitely been slim picking this summer, but this has been the first new summer show I've really enjoyed.
I liked it a fair amount, but I think the whole concept would have worked better in this country as a web series on Hulu.
"…. porn"
Can we collectively stop using this phrase to describe everything nowadays? It's now the stock way for critics to describe something without having to use their brains. Nostalgia porn, torture porn, misery porn, now travel porn? Come on McNutt.