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How is lying to your kids more honest? Not exposing your children to the possibility of salvation in the afterlife is child abuse.

"pretty shallow to be offended by someone's weight"

Calories in, calories out.

What?! Those women are all clearly obese.

Wukka wukka!

Let's ridicule the Chinese for actually giving a shit about their culture.

That's ironic, since "Nirvana" is named after Abrham Nirvana, the 1950's Jewish Comedian.

What about that guy that copied my username?
While I be about to down-vote him?

Ain't no thang, idiotking. I'm behind 7 proxies.

I thought Austin Powers was pretty funny.

inb4 college freshman think it's funny to make light of tragedy, and the subsequent philosophy major that comes along and tries to justify it.

Dubstep Defense League
I see they've swarmed onto this article rather quickly. A couple points:
1) Dubstep fans are easier to offend than the Bronies
2) Dubstep sucks. If you need to smoke weed to enjoy a particular genre, that particular genre isn't good.

In my opinion, Super Mario World is superior to SMB3.

Dear Gary IX,

Serious question
Is it possible for a show to be so morally lacking that it is immoral to even watch?

Oh, to be 18 again and believe that shock humor is funny…

You are all sheep
Dane Cook hatred was universal on these here boards. Louis CK comes along and is chummy with him, and now all of a sudden everyone is saying shit like "I always thought he was hated too much - I kinda like the guy."

You are all sheep
Dane Cook hatred was universal on these here boards. Louis CK comes along and is chummy with him, and now all of a sudden everyone is saying shit like "I always thought he was hated too much - I kinda like the guy."