
"all evil in the world is the result of christianity"
-typical internet atheist

Anyone still living in Erie, PA already has a strike against them in the "genius" tally

"Personal use" is shaky grounds for 2 reasons:

I wanted orange

And I'm pretty sure either Resident Evil or Silent Hill has used that perspective, although not for an entire game.

@Whovian - nothing. Absolutely nothing.

How far the mighty have fallen
Man, the Daily Show used to be great.

Oh god, is Mo Rocca awful. I've stopped listening to NPR because of him.

Mid-20's is not their target demographic. While most males in that age group don't have a family and the related expenses yet, they still lack the earning potential to have much disposable income.

I want to see Chris Colfer's butt in 3-D.

Nothing wrong with 90's fashion. I still wear flannels and baggy jenkos.

I sincerely hope we are going to back to an all-anonymous commenting system.

I post from the future all the time.

PETA logic
Ape species 1 abuses ape species 2: BAD
Ape species 2 abuses ape species 1: GOOD

It depends on what platform you're using to stream.

Why not go for the whole bird?

Yeah, but the rest of the world is woefully behind in their culture consumption. As I understand it, Europe is just now getting into nu-metal and rap-rock.

I took it to mean that once the process of tool-making and tech-development begins, it ultimately results in WMD because of human nature. That's why I thought they skipped everything in between. It's a lot of time and development, but the fact that the filmmakers feel they can skip all that over gave me the impression

Let's plan a meet-up
I'm definitely going to be there! Feel free to come up to me and say hello!

Whoa, I wasn't aware there was an imposter. He seems like a rather charming gentleman, though.