
Oh, enough with constantly accusing people of racism! It's really getting out of hand. Yes, racism is bad, but this hyper-vigilance is counter-productive.

"It’s a favorite technique of certain political movements as well,
though tonight’s episode sidesteps that connection altogether."


Are you using "homoerotic" pejoratively? Is there something inherently wrong with homosexuality?

You call it out every time as if I'm trying to keep my username a secret.

I mourn the man's passing, and condolences to his family, but isn't this obit a little outside the scope of the AV Club?

I agree completely. This game gets an undeservedly high grade simply out of politics (politics which I happen to agree with!).

A fellow attorney?


And I would just like to add that copyright infringement IS stealing. I'm not sure where this half-baked argument originated, but it always get trotted out. "Steal" is defined as

It's always entertaining to hear people desperately try to justify what they know is morally wrong.

I beat it, but it took about 50 tries (and I'm usually good at video games). The ending is probably one of the craziest endings I've ever seen in a video game.

A game about kerning is right up my alley!


I'm sure this discussion has been done to death, but I think Spiderman is what launched comic book movies as we know them today. The Batman movies of the 90s were more in the vein of the 80s Superman movies.

They're both Batman movies. I'm pretty sure that invites comparison.

If there's one sure-fire litmus test for gauging how fun someone is at a party, it is certainly their affinity for comic book movies.

I'm always surprised that Norm holds back on guys like Maron because Norm is very conservative and very well informed and would
probably destroy him on politics. But he holds back because he respects
differences of opinion. It's a nice change from 99% of media out there.

A radio show where Maron talks politics is bound to be a successful venture. I wonder why he hasn't tried that before/