Don Man Mankind

Six movies and a new season!

Martin Silenus - Philip Seymour Hoffman (If he was still with us) or maybe Paul Giamatti
Shrike - Vin Diesel

THANK you. It was inconceivable that we'd through this entire article + comments without the phrase "oily bohunk".

But what about "A Ryan Seacrest Type"? Will he survive?

Except for the little Spanish flea.
A record star he thought he'd be.

Yyou hhave ssomethinngg thatt ITT hhass nnott.

It is here.
It is now.
It is Real.
It is Rael.

So it's not called Slightly Cool And Damp Canadian Spring, then.

Please, Sir, I Want To See Some More

… Last Summer

You See, You Got Some 'Splainin' To Do

Now You See Me Bleed

I See He As You See He As You See Me And We Are All Together

Now You See Me, Now I Have To Remove Your Eyeballs - The Corinthian Story

Do I Need To Draw You A Diagram?

You can do anything you want! Remember, you're a Melonie!

People. What a bunch of bastards.

They should be thinking more about how things affect Al Franken.

The survivors fight to the death against anyone who still owns a vuvuzela.

Or at the very least, freeze it and put it next to Walt's.