Don Man Mankind

"Where the hell are the singing cats?"

"Turn It Up" and "Tracy Jacks" - the 2 songs I always skip past on what are two otherwise brilliant albums.

"“Song 2” … the kind of enthusiasm that hasn’t really aged well over time."

The unholy union of Bow Wow Wow, Stereolab and an Atari 2600 Donkey Kong cartridge.

So you're saying that giant guns and multiple pouches and sparkly eyes and no feet make everything worse, not better?


A large percentage of them sort of ‘gave up’ in the mid-90's…

Just wait until Death finally agrees to marry him. Their wedding reception is gonna be out of this world.

This is a pretty mellow film about O.J. Simpson. Nobody’s gettin’
uptight, everything’s cool, no baggage or hang-ups. I’m just gonna hang in there, baby, you bet your sweet bippy. I’ll do my thing, they’ll do theirs. Just gotta keep mellow. That’s what bein’ Shawn Murphy’s all about…and I’m Shawn Murphy.

I've already got a black cat bone and a John the Conqueroo. I have to visit Box Office Mojo for the trifecta.

Fast forward to 2030 - Kim & Kanye telling teenaged North, "Honey, this is the story of how your grandmother was vaguely connected to the O.J. Simpson murder case."

When Kris Jenner isn't on screen, all the other characters should be asking "Where's Kris Jenner"?

Ben Murphy?

Have you tried the section
marked "The Clash At Demonhead"?

Is this customary in your legal system?

It's a two-parter. They also crack the case of the denture-stealing turtles.

Fox Mulder doesn't say "The truth is out where!", he says….

Batman's a scientist.

I found a DVD of Adaptation at Goodwill once.

Forget it, it's coming back as just another boring procedural. They'll finally deal with that shipment of drugs and illegal weapons coming into New Jersey.