
I'm not sure if you're saying you "assume" they used a harness because you saw the special feature on the old DVD where they showed Sean Gullette wearing a kind of harness that followed him around and shot his face when he went into the bagoda store and you just don't know if they used the same harness for this scene,

The biggest mistake Portland ever made was drafting that guy over Micheal Jordon. He was a hack, and no amount of singing "China Doll" at halftime shows could equal what Jordon brought to the court.

If you really are a sex machine with all the chicks, then it would degrading for people to not acknowledge that. However, if you just want to be called that because you think it sounds cool, then you are a racist. Somehow.

What can you ask of a child star?
Was it in The Hater where they had oh so original quote from Dunst saying "The world would be a much better place if everyone just smoked weed."? I mean, yeah she's emotionally and socially retarded for having been a child actress (Interview with a Vampire came out when she was 12),

I just checked IMDB
And it turns out Elden was the other comic relief guy that I liked, and not the guy who played the lame "hero" of the film that I thought he was. I guess his PC answer was enough to keep him working in small parts, too.

Fuckin' honest
I saw Idle Hands on DVD shortly after it came out (the alternate ending is awesome because when is it a bad time to rip Jessica Alba's clothes off?) and I really liked Seth Green and the other undead comic relief guy. If I remember right the best line was when Seth tried to claim that he built a Harley

You like to think that people defend terrorists becuase they believe in a fair legal system
not because they want to bang the defendant, or agree with the terrorists thoughts.

We all have cell phones. So come on, let's get real
I saw him in concert for the first time earlier this summer. Farkin' awesome. I proudly bought and wear the Straight Out of Lynwood tour shirt.
It's always that much more impressive when someone can be entertaining without being vulgar. Like Eddie Murphy, for

Trent Reznor's still alive?
Now we know.

Am I alone in not realizing this movie had a subtitle?
Where they just saving it for the DVD release or the special skinemax run the movie was destined to make?

This was on Comedy Central for about a week straight
And it was fucking painful to watch. I think I've seen about 25%, but I could never watch it for more than 2 or 3 minutes at a time.
And I always think that I like Thomas Hayden Church, but then he does a lot of movies like this. Maybe I'm giving him too much

Adolf Hitler was one charismatic motherfucker.
And I think you've all heard of a little something called "World War II". He pulled off a bit during that one. People always say the sequels are never as good, but Hitler used his charisma to really sell the war.

The Coz
is the shit. And I'm using that in the context of my praise.

Whatever happened to Frances Bean?
Seriously, does any one know where that kid is and if they're even capable of interaction with human society.
On a scale of 1 to 10 how fucked up is that kids childhood? With 1 being "My middle name is Bean" and 10 being "Courtney Love is my mother", the kids got to be about 19 or so

In defense of Winebot
Dude, you kind of picked a bad spot to stick up for Bill. I'm sure you believe that he's not the evil ogre everyone else here thinks he is. And the fact that you actually read the Onion shows that you are more open minded then most of Bills defenders/supporters.

There is so much wrong with the world that it physically pains me
I greatly enjoyed the "liberals get a free pass, but conservatives get beaten with lead pipes" defense employed earlier. That shit always cracks me up. I have never seen so many rich and powerful people play the "I'm a victim, everyone is against me"

Dispite what my future self says
I still think it's a weak excuse.

ADHD does not care about black people
I'm pretty sure ADHD keeps your from focusing and/or sitting still. It does not make you whine like a spastic prima donna because MTV passed you up for some kind of purely subjective award.

Part of the review or good exposition?
I can see Tommy Lee Jones' character easily saying "I'm just a tradition-bound man who wants very badly to believe the best about his country, its leaders, and his family" in this or any other movie he's ever been in.

Do we really need another movie actor
who looks like Toby Maquire and Elijah Woods? I can't tell those two apart as it is. Now I've got to add Harry Potter to discussions when I'm trying to figure out if the movie had "the guy from Seabiscut" or "the Hobbit kid"